Monday, December 31, 2018

One of the Top Employment Agencies in Tualatin, OR Shares How to Explain in An Interview That You Left Behind Toxic Work Environments

Where to Begin

Businesses can fail in their work environments sometimes. Various reasons come into play such as financial, harassment, nepotism, and rumors. Anything can be the cause of a failed work environment. The result is usually always identically for each employee. They decide to leave and find other jobs hiring in Tualatin, OR.

If your work history with the previous job was short, this can be very hard to bring up in a job interview when asked the reason behind why you left. What do you even say to that? You can tell the truth or kind of cover up what really happened. The best way to go about this question in an interview is to do both.

Be Honest (Just Not in Detail)

You want to uphold honesty and integrity. Although, you don’t want to bring up any of your emotions or details. You may have left your previous job because of nepotism that played a role with Tualatin staffing. Avoid explaining to the interviewer that you left because family and friends were the only staff being promoted. You will come off as jealous.

You may want to explain that you wanted to handle more job duties and become a manager, but the last business you worked for made other decisions. Then explain that you think you’re ready for a management position or whatever position that you are interviewing for. You’re still being honest, but you’ve shifted the focus onto you and your future career instead of the past.

Remain Focused on You

Avoid spending a lot of the interview speaking on the company culture from your previous job explains one of the best employment agencies in Tualatin, OR. The employer interviewing you wants to get to know more about you and your career. Don’t get emotional during the interview. Give a snippet of why you left the job then continue the conversation about you and why you are the best choice for the position that you are interviewing for. Using much of the interview to talk bad about previous employment in Tualatin can make the interviewer think that you’ll speak about their company in that way one day.

Prove That You Learned Something

Don’t go and place the entire fault of why you left on the previous job. What did make you leave in the end? You want your reasoning as leaving to come off as learning and growing professionally. There may have been a lot of gossiping at your old job about the business’ future. Instead of explaining how people were gossiping, say something along the lines that there was no vision forward for the company and that the workers became aware. Explain how you gave suggestions, but no action was taken and that your ultimate decision was to leave. This brings you into a positive light during the interview while learning something as well.

Locally owned and operated, Express Employment Professionals in West Tualatin, OR is a Full-Service employment solutions resource for both businesses and job seekers within the Tualatin and surrounding areas.

Express Employment Professionals of Tualatin, OR
19407 SW Martinazzi Ave
Tualatin, Oregon 97062
(503) 612-1800

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