Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Tualatin Employment Services Explain How to Better Your Company’s Culture

Company culture is important to many employees for reasons of having a relaxed work environment and making them want to stay. Performance increases with employees due to having a great work environment and freedom in the workplace. With employees wanting to stay in the company for a longer period, the turnover rate for your company will decrease, leading to better work relationships. Here’s how you can better your company culture explained by a leader of staffing in Tualatin.

Goals and Values

When wanting to create a better company culture, you’ll want to start with having clear company goals and values. The employees you have for your business should all be working together to accomplish one goal. Having goals and values set up beforehand will help employees know how they should view the business, their limits, and what is expected of them. Having that goal will help them know what they need to accomplish and work together as a team.


Trust is crucial to initiate first thing with the company and its employees. Many people are working for your company and conflicts will occur from time to time. When conflict does occur, it’s important to resolve the conflict immediately, quickly, and fairly. Also, promoting trust will help increase good relationships in the company.

Strong Relationships

Along with trust comes strong relationships. Having a strong team at your company is crucial in reaching the company goal. Research some great team building activities to help your employees work on skills, such as collaborating, brainstorming, and communicating.
Tualatin employment services explain that there are many more ways that you can help improve your company’s culture, but even just starting with a few can help increase productivity with your team. Having a great company culture will also have a great effect on your company management skills.

Locally owned and operated, Express Employment Professionals in West Tualatin, OR is a Full-Service employment solutions resource for both businesses and job seekers within the Tualatin and surrounding areas.

Express Employment Professionals of Tualatin, OR
19407 SW Martinazzi Ave
Tualatin, Oregon 97062
(503) 612-1800

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

5 Reasons to Love Your Job from Tualatin Employment Services

You may love your job, or you may hate it. Whatever the case, I’m sure there are things about your job that you can be thankful for. You may have bad days at work, but without the bad days, you wouldn’t have the good days. So, take the time to appreciate what you do have. A provider of staffing in Tualatin shares 5 reasons that you should love your job.

1. You have a job.

You are working and employed. You can pay rent, pay for food, pay for AC and water, and pay a vehicle or transportation to get you where you need to go. You are already richer than most of the world with these things. Your job may help you with your self-esteem. You may not feel like every single minute is filled with purpose, but you have a job.

2. You are making a salary.

You get paid either every week, biweekly, or per month. You can afford extra things in life, such as eating out, buying gifts for birthdays and holidays, and able to invest your money as well. You may not make the amount that you want, but you are making some amount of money instead of nothing.

3. You get social interaction.

An important part of our life and happiness is relationships. You need to have social interaction to survive. Having healthy relationships will help us stay happy and avoid loneliness. People who work from home have explained that they do get lonely sometimes. You should appreciate that you get to interact with people each day.

4. You are learning new skills.

You get to learn new skills every day when you have a job. You may think that you’ve learned all the technical skills possible, but what about the mental skills? You may learn patience, diligence, positivity, and how to focus better. Positivity, of course, is one of the most important skills that you can learn and possess. Be thankful that you get to learn physical and mental skills every day.

5. The contrast of bad and good days.

Be thankful for the bad days. It may sound silly, but it makes you appreciate the good days even more. If every single day was a good day, you wouldn’t appreciate it. Tualatin employment services explain to look at it this way. If you wake up at 5 am during the week, waking up at 6 am on the weekends feels like a reward.

Locally owned and operated, Express Employment Professionals in West Tualatin, OR is a Full-Service employment solutions resource for both businesses and job seekers within the Tualatin and surrounding areas.

Express Employment Professionals of Tualatin, OR
19407 SW Martinazzi Ave
Tualatin, Oregon 97062
(503) 612-1800

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

A Leader of Staffing in Tualatin Explains How to Increase Productivity Instead of Hours

As a business owner, it’s important to find ways to increase productivity in the office without burning out your employees. For example, just because you increase the workload on your employees doesn’t mean that you’ve increased productivity. An increased workload equals an increase in hours. By doing this, you could cause your employees to become overworked. Instead of increasing workload and hours, employment services in Tualatin, OR, suggest thinking about increasing productivity by taking advantage of your staff’s strengths, engagement, and a decrease in office stress.


Each of your employees will have their strengths to contribute to your company. Instead of pointing out their mistakes and weaknesses, build on their strengths. Encouraging their strengths will help increase productivity. Employees who get to use their strengths at their jobs are more productive, more engaged, and less likely to quit. It can also be helpful to find out what each employee enjoys doing at work and what tasks they excel at.


Engaged employees will do their jobs more efficiently and be more focused on their tasks. Employees who are disengaged have lower productivity, which causes a company to have lower profitability. Also, employees who are disengaged will be absent from work more often and have more mistakes. A great way to help employees excel in their jobs is to build engagement among your employees. You must have meetings with your employees, have growth opportunities, have a healthy work environment, and allow them to have autonomy in their position.

Less Stress

An employee can have work stress if they feel like they don’t have enough hours to complete their work. A stressed employee will feel less productive. A great way to help with productivity is to decrease workplace stress. You need to remember that each employee will handle stress differently. So, what can you do to decrease workplace stress? Try team-building activities, vacation time, paid time off, or flexibility in schedules. The best way to reduce workplace stress is to ask your employees what will help them. What will they request? A leader of staffing in Tualatin explains that knowing what will help create a stress-free work environment will help your employees stay engaged and increase productivity.

Locally owned and operated, Express Employment Professionals in West Tualatin, OR is a Full-Service employment solutions resource for both businesses and job seekers within the Tualatin and surrounding areas.

Express Employment Professionals of Tualatin, OR
19407 SW Martinazzi Ave
Tualatin, Oregon 97062
(503) 612-1800

Monday, September 30, 2019

One of the Leaders of Staffing in Tualatin, OR Shares Questions to Ask after the Interview

The point of having questions to ask after you’ve been interviewed is for the interviewer to see how much interest you have for the company. You’ll want to be prepared to have more opportunity of becoming a new hire in Tualatin. There are so many questions that you can ask, but we will go over only 3.

Question 1: “Will I be involved in the new project you have?”

It’s important that when your interview ask what you know about the company that you have done your research. Don’t go into the interview blindly. Look up the company’s website and if they’ve been in any recent news. Have there been new products or campaigns? Ask if you’ll be involved in the new projects but avoid any questions that may bring up negative thoughts such as new management, layoffs, or merges.

Question 2: “What is a normal workday?”

Avoid asking any questions about pay until you have made it to the final interview. You can ask, though, what a normal workday is like. Ask the interview what their favorite tasks are to work on. You’ll want to get personal without asking about benefits and money as it only makes you appear like you only want the job for the pay.

Question 3: “What happens next?”

You’ll want to save this question for last, especially if you’re interviewer hasn’t gone over it yet. Ask if there is a time period that you should expect to hear back or the next step for the interview process. You want to seem optimistic about your interview as if you were getting the job.

Remember that you need to have all sorts of questions prepared to ask the interviewer. It doesn’t just have to be these 3, according to a leader of staffing in Tualatin, OR.

Locally owned and operated, Express Employment Professionals in West Tualatin, OR is a Full-Service employment solutions resource for both businesses and job seekers within the Tualatin and surrounding areas.

Express Employment Professionals of Tualatin, OR
19407 SW Martinazzi Ave
Tualatin, Oregon 97062
(503) 612-1800

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Tualatin Employment Agencies Discuss What to Wear to an Interview

The biggest question when planning for a job interview is always what to wear. Many people know that dressing professionally is important, but what exactly does that mean? Making a good impression is important, so you’ll need to be prepared. A provider of staffing in Tualatin reveals a few simple tricks to help you look good without spending a lot of time or money.

Professional Attire

If you are trying to get a job, you will want Tualatin employment agencies to have a good first impression of you like wearing professional business attire. For men, this would mean wearing a suit jacket, shirt and tie, and slacks, or khakis and a polo. For women, a dress or dress pants and a shirt would be appropriate. Depending on what type of job you’re interviewing for, the type of attire you will need to wear differs.


While there may be a lot of ways to style your hair in everyday life, you should stick to a more traditional style when being interviewed. When being interviewed, your hair should not be a distraction for the interviewer. Your hairstyle needs to be professional and polished, just like your outfit. People with longer hair should leave their hair down or simply pull it back.


When doing makeup for an interview, less is always more. Make sure to keep your makeup simple and natural-looking. Don’t wear bright lipstick or heavy foundation. Wearing too much makeup can be distracting.


When choosing accessories for an interview, keep in mind that your outfit needs to look polished. Make sure that your accessories don’t distract and that you aren’t wearing an excessive amount. If you are wearing accessories, make sure they coordinate with your outfit and are simple. Wearing multiple necklaces or lots of bracelets will probably just distract the interviewer and could make a bad impression.

Remember that your first impression will be one of the most important things an employer will remember about you, and keep these tips in mind!

Locally owned and operated, Express Employment Professionals in West Tualatin, OR is a Full-Service employment solutions resource for both businesses and job seekers within the Tualatin and surrounding areas.

Express Employment Professionals of Tualatin, OR
19407 SW Martinazzi Ave
Tualatin, Oregon 97062
(503) 612-1800

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Creating a Better Work Culture for Your Place of Employment in Tualatin

Have you ever thought about why you love or hate your job? What is it that makes you want to either stay or leave? The answer is usually the culture. Culture comes from the company you work for and the environment in which you work. How can you create a better culture for your workplace? A Tualatin staffing agency has some tips.

Practice empathy.

It’s difficult to connect with others until you empathize with them. To create a better environment and culture in your workplace, see things from your team members’ point of view. If you find any problems they are facing in the workplace, do what you can to help solve those problems. You should also listen to what your employees have to say. You can keep open office hours for employees or have a good form of communication for issues in the workplace.

Have workshops.

Creating a better culture could be a lot easier with team-building workshops in place. You can have workshops that improve problem-solving skills or educate your team on certain subjects. If you want to create a more empathetic environment, you could have your team members take personality tests to learn more about themselves and each other.

Celebrate employees.

You will find many different people in the workplace. Seeing all those people work together toward a common goal is a great thing to see. Why should that be ignored? If you see your employees from all walks of life working together, let them know how much you appreciate that! A provider of employment in Tualatin explains that there are many ways you can celebrate your employees, like having a catered meal or throwing a company picnic. However you celebrate your employees, make sure you let them know that they are appreciated.

Locally owned and operated, Express Employment Professionals in West Tualatin, OR is a Full-Service employment solutions resource for both businesses and job seekers within the Tualatin and surrounding areas.

Express Employment Professionals of Tualatin, OR
19407 SW Martinazzi Ave
Tualatin, Oregon 97062
(503) 612-1800

Thursday, June 27, 2019

How to Build and Spread Confidence with Your Employment in Tualatin

Are you afraid to take the next step? Is it the fear of failure holding you back? Maybe you don’t think you’re able to take the next step in your career. If you think you’re not able, you’re wrong. You’ll always be wrong unless you change that. If you ever want to take the next big step, you’re going to have to believe you can by building up your confidence shares a Tualatin staffing provider. Building your confidence is going to take you far. Spreading that confidence will take others far as well, creating an innovative and successful workplace and career for everyone.

Build confidence.

Confidence blooms in adversity that means challenging yourself. Facing challenges can be intimidating, especially with the fear of failure. Challenge and failure are not your enemies. They are the tools to help you build confidence. If you want to build your confidence on a foundation that won’t fall, challenge yourself to improve on a skill you have or challenge yourself to learn a new skill. No one ever grew by avoiding challenges. Once you see how you’ve challenged yourself even if you failed, you’ll see your passion and drive!

Spread confidence.

Confidence can be squelched in an environment where you are not encouraged to be creative. If you have the power to let others be creative, you have the power to spread confidence. Confidence will only grow where it is encouraged. Once you begin to grow your own confidence, you must encourage it to grow in others. When everyone is encouraging each other to grow, everyone is spreading confidence.

Learn confidence.

Confidence grows in people when they learn from their mistakes. For example, if you failed a test, which response would you prefer? A teacher who told you what you did wrong, or a teacher who asked you why you did what you did and asked how you could improve? For those who value personal growth, the second response is preferred because confidence provides a learning opportunity. When you fail, you should glean what you can learn from your failure. When you learn from it, you’ll be better prepared for the next challenge with your employment in Tualatin.

Locally owned and operated, Express Employment Professionals in West Tualatin, OR is a Full-Service employment solutions resource for both businesses and job seekers within the Tualatin and surrounding areas.

Express Employment Professionals of Tualatin, OR
19407 SW Martinazzi Ave
Tualatin, Oregon 97062
(503) 612-1800

Monday, May 27, 2019

A Provider of Employment in Tualatin Explains How to Own Your Success

With the advances in science and technology, success has come faster than it would have centuries ago. Everyone has a chance to get success, and sometimes it feels like everyone is except you. You’ve been taught that if you have passion and enthusiasm for it, you can work to become successful, but that doesn’t always happen. If you were to live by that philosophy, then you’ve earned everything you’ve gotten in life like failures. If you decide to make success your own, then you don’t need to compare yourself with society. Here are some tips from a Tualatin staffing agency on owning your success.

Withhold judgment. You shouldn’t determine someone’s value or success based on a little snippet you see of that person’s life. When you’re looking at other people, they may or may not be successful. Whether they are or aren’t, you don’t determine that. You shouldn’t treat people any differently because of who they are or how successful they are. You don’t have the power to determine someone’s value, especially if you haven’t seen the whole picture.

See your current situation as a stepping stone. Just as you should withhold judgment from others, you should withhold judgment from yourself when you’re not where you want to be. You may not have the pay, the house, or the job you want. If you don’t, you don’t have to put yourself down for that. When you’re not where you want to be, focus on where you are now and how to get to the next step.

Define success for yourself. Don’t do something so important like a career field because someone else told you to. Don’t feel successful because someone else said you are. You can ask others for advice, but you’re the one making decisions for yourself. Make decisions that are best for you and give yourself your best definition of success. Once you have that success with your employment in Tualatin, own it.

Locally owned and operated, Express Employment Professionals in West Tualatin, OR is a Full-Service employment solutions resource for both businesses and job seekers within the Tualatin and surrounding areas.

Express Employment Professionals of Tualatin, OR
19407 SW Martinazzi Ave
Tualatin, Oregon 97062
(503) 612-1800

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Tips for Giving a Good First Impression for Future Employment in Tualatin, OR

If you think you don’t have the personality to give a good first impression, you don’t have to drastically change who you are or force yourself to be someone you’re not. You just need to follow these tips, and you’re sure to leave a genuine first impression on interviewers for Tualatin jobs hiring.

Don’t speak first. To show that you are willing to listen, you should allow the person interviewing you to speak first. Allowing them to speak first shows that you understand your interviewer is your superior. You won't look weak, but it makes you look aware of your situation.

Check your body language. You don’t want to come across as uninterested or upset. You want to be friendly and approachable. Be aware of your body language by making sure you’re keeping good posture and eye contact with the other person.

Don’t pull out your phone. Looking at your phone is a sure-fire way to get someone to stop talking to you. If you look at your phone, you’re giving the other person a cue to stop the conversation because you’re not listening anymore. If you want to leave a good first impression, keep your attention on the other person and put your phone away.

Have some small talk. If the other person wants to have small talk, don’t try to take control of the conversation. Keep up the small talk because you want the person to give the cue when small talk is done. If you cut to the chase, you’re showing that you don’t want to listen to the other person.

Don’t listen to respond. Everyone wants to be heard which makes it difficult to listen sometimes. When you find yourself wanting to interject or talk while someone else is talking, check yourself. Make sure you’re listening to understand the other person rather than to respond. If everyone only listens to respond rather than to understand, no one will be heard.

Don’t go in unprepared. Before meeting for an interview, do your research on the company and see what the company’s mission is. If you can learn what the company offers, that could help you in an interview. Don’t rely on your skills and personality. Prepare yourself with some simple research for your possible future employment in Tualatin, OR.

Locally owned and operated, Express Employment Professionals in West Tualatin, OR is a Full-Service employment solutions resource for both businesses and job seekers within the Tualatin and surrounding areas.

Express Employment Professionals of Tualatin, OR
19407 SW Martinazzi Ave
Tualatin, Oregon 97062
(503) 612-1800

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Advice on How to Get Over a Midday Slump with Your Tualatin Employment

You’ve been working hard all morning, and your stomach has reminded you of that. You get a bite to eat then you jump right back into work! You soon realize that as your food digests, you feel that dreaded midday slump. You find it difficult to focus on work. If you struggle to get out of that midday slump, here are some tips from a provider of staffing in Tualatin to switch things up and get productive again!

Get Up. Give yourself a change and move around a bit. Sitting at your desk all day can get your brain tired from all the monotony. If you get up and do something for a short break, your brain may kick back into high gear! Stand up and take a brief walk or do some light exercise. Whatever it takes to get your body moving, do it.

Get Fueled. Your brain may be telling you it needs some fuel after a long day. Have a snack of some sort to give yourself a break. You could drink some water, coffee, tea, or a smoothie. Have a healthy snack like a granola bar, an apple, a light salad, or some crackers and hummus. Sometimes that little bit of fuel is all it takes for your brain to get back into focus.

Get Pumped. The best way to get pumped is through music. Music can be a little tricky to work with, but it really helps with productivity. If you have a pair of headphones, plug them in and find a radio station or playlist you love. Instrumental music such as classical or soundtracks can help you focus and get motivated. Some people work better to music with lyrics. Whatever type of music gets you focused and motivated, play it with some headphones on! If you’re pumped, you’re on your way to productive Tualatin employment rather than staying stuck in that slump!

Locally owned and operated, Express Employment Professionals in West Tualatin, OR is a Full-Service employment solutions resource for both businesses and job seekers within the Tualatin and surrounding areas.

Express Employment Professionals of Tualatin, OR
19407 SW Martinazzi Ave
Tualatin, Oregon 97062
(503) 612-1800

Monday, February 25, 2019

Provider of Staffing in Tualatin, OR Shares 3 Different Learning Styles

Have you ever heard of learning styles for training? We all know that learning something new is different for everyone. That’s one of the reasons that some kids learn to write with their left hand instead of their right hand. Their brain thinks in a different way than their peers. Learning something new is the same with new employment in Tualatin as well. Let’s talk about these learning styles.

Visual Learning

Do you ever notice in conversations that you like to use words such imagine or picture? You are most likely a very visual learning when it comes down to talking about something. When you learn something new, you may want to see a diagram or PowerPoint on how that task is done. It’s like learning a new word. You need to see the word in order to sound out and say it.

Auditory Learning

You may be fine with listening to a conversation, but you still have that urge to want to speak to and get impatient about it. You may use words in a conversation such as think, tune, or hear. You may be okay with instructions being said to you, and you can remember each step easily. If you’re trying to learn a new word, you may sound it out or use a phonetic approach.

Kinesthetic & Tactile Learning

If you talk with your hands a lot, this learning style is probably for you. You may also use words such as hold or touch. When learning something new, you are the first one wanting to jump in and try it out. Learning a new word? You will most likely write it down and see if it feels right.

If you prefer to look at the direction, look at the picture, and try to do the task all at the same time, you can have all three learning styles explains the provider of staffing in Tualatin, OR. Find out your learning style today, so you can make training at your new job super easy!

Locally owned and operated, Express Employment Professionals in West Tualatin, OR is a Full-Service employment solutions resource for both businesses and job seekers within the Tualatin and surrounding areas.

Express Employment Professionals of Tualatin, OR
19407 SW Martinazzi Ave
Tualatin, Oregon 97062
(503) 612-1800

Thursday, January 31, 2019

A Provider of Staffing in Tualatin, OR Talks About Better Ways to Take a Break

Did you know you could be more productive with your Tualatin employment if you switched up your breaks? Rather than sitting at the break table munching on chips and scrolling down your social media feed, you could be benefiting yourself while unwinding at work. Ditch the phone for these better ways to take a break.

Talk to someone. Communication is everywhere: cell phones, social media, you name it. Communication is also nowhere. People don’t talk to each other face-to-face anymore. If you’re able, switch things up by getting to know some coworkers. Learn about their hobbies, families, favorite foods, or passions. You might find yourself enjoying work more if you know your coworkers better.

Eat a healthy snack. Instead of buying some chips and soda from the vending machine, you could bring some healthy snacks instead. With healthier snacks, your body will absorb the nutrients it needs to power through the rest of the day. Some great snacks that are convenient for breaks are nuts, fruit, hummus with veggies, or tea if you’re thirsty.

Move around. You could fit in a power nap during your break, or you could burn some calories and wake yourself up with some light exercise! You could do some stretches or breathing exercises to get the blood flowing through your body. You’ll also make yourself more alert, and you’ll rest easier at night.

Get some fresh air. If you’re feeling tense, take a walk outside. After breathing all that stale office air and staring at those screens for most of your time, you could really use some fresh air shares the provider of staffing in Tualatin, OR. Taking a walk will give you some movement as well. To get even more benefits from a break outside, you could bring a friend to talk to or a snack. You can do your light exercise outside, too.

Locally owned and operated, Express Employment Professionals in West Tualatin, OR is a Full-Service employment solutions resource for both businesses and job seekers within the Tualatin and surrounding areas.

Express Employment Professionals of Tualatin, OR
19407 SW Martinazzi Ave
Tualatin, Oregon 97062
(503) 612-1800